Supported video hosting platforms for Video SEO plugin

Supported video hosting platforms for Video SEO plugin

The following video hosting platforms have been proven to be possible to optimize with the Yoast Video SEO plugin. This means that if you host your video』s on any of these sites and use the video SEO module, your site should start showing video snippets in the search results.

Do you have a different question regarding the Video SEO plugin? Check our Video SEO FAQ.

Video HostEmbed methodDailymotionoEmbedFlickroEmbedMetacafeShortcodeScreenroEmbed, shortcodeVeohShortcodeViddleroEmbed, shortcodeVideoPress (incl., shortcodeVimeo *oEmbed, shortcode, object embed, iframe embedVippyShortcodeVzaarShortcode, object embed, iframe embedWistia **oEmbedYouTube ***oEmbed, shortcode, object embed, iframe embed

* Some Vimeo videos may not be detected due to privacy settings. ** oEmbed support for Wistia is added by this plugin too, as it』s not in WordPress core. *** Youtube currently works, but the way it works might be shut down by Google at some point.

What platform does Yoast recommend to use?

We recommend Wistia, Vimeo, Blip or Dailymotion. This guide explains more about why: Would you recommend using YouTube for Video SEO purposes?


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