How to update your PHP version

How to update your PHP version

Before you update your PHP version, we advise you to read this article and check if your WordPress site is ready for PHP 7.

The single most important reason to update your PHP version is security. PHP versions 5.2 through to 7.0, while still actively in use on millions of sites, no longer get security updates. Another benefit of updating is the ridiculous increase in speed you get. Therefore, we recommend updating to PHP 7.1 or higher.

We always advise creating a backup of your website before making any major changes.

Most hosts have documentation explaining how you can update your PHP version yourself. In case you cannot do the update yourself, you can ask your hosting company for assistance. Below, we prepared a sample letter that you can use when contacting your host.

Hi,For security reasons and an increase in speed I want to update the PHP version of my WordPress website to PHP 7.1 or higher. WordPress also strongly recommends the latest version of PHP on their requirements page, information about currently supported versions of PHP can be found here:』ve heard that sometimes a website can break when updating the PHP version. Can you assist me and update my site safely to PHP 7.1 or higher?Thanks!

In this list, you can find the documentation on PHP 7 that our hosting partners provide.

HostDocumentationBluehostPHP version selectingCloudwaysPHP7 and its compatibilityDreamHostPHP 7 overviewGoDaddyView or change your PHP versionGreenGeeksWhat version of PHP does GreenGeek use?InMotionUsing multiple PHP versions on one accountInterServerChange PHP version in cPanelMediaTempleWhat』s new in PHP7PagelyChanging PHP versionsRAIDBOXESTechnical questionsRoseHostingRoseHosting supportSavviiChanging the PHP versionSiteGroundSwitch to a different PHP versionWP EnginePHP 7 FAQLiquidwebUpgrade Apache and PHP using cPanel

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