Missing or Invalid Date in XML Sitemap

Missing or Invalid Date in XML Sitemap

Google Search Console (former Google Webmaster Tools) may flag your sitemap for a missing or invalid date in your sitemap.

Missing date on the sitemap index

An empty or missing date in the sitemap index typically means the individual sitemap is not available. Opening the individual sitemap with the missing date will display a 404 error. Please customize the sitemap and remove post types or taxonomies you are not using on your site.

Missing date on individual sitemaps (excluding the video sitemap)

An empty or missing date on an individual sitemap typically indicates an invalid timestamp in your database. Adding, updating and removing a minor change will refresh the date. Open the post displaying the invalid date in edit mode. Make a minor change to the content. For example, add 「This post has been updated.」 to the top of the content. Update the post to save changes. Remove the minor change you made in step 2. Update the post to save changes. Repeat steps 1-5 for all URLs with invalid dates. Purge cache, if applicable.

Missing date on the video sitemap

An invalid date in the sitemap typically indicates a miscommunication between our plugin and the WordPress database. Removing, updating and re-adding the video will refresh the date.

Open the post displaying the invalid date in edit mode.Remove the video.Update the post to save changes.Re-add the video.Update the post to save changes.Repeat steps 1-5 for all videos with invalid dates.Purge cache, if applicable.

We understand the above steps are tedious for sites with a large amount of videos with invalid dates. We are investigating alternative options at this time.


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