Morphology feature is not working

Morphology feature is not working

You probably came here because you got this error on your site:

How can you solve this?

There are several ways of solving this, depending on how well you know your way around our site:

Take me to MyYoast, I already know how to activate Yoast SEO Premium for my site.I know how to log in to MyYoast, help me add my site and activate Yoast SEO Premium.I』m new, help me get access to MyYoast.My subscription expired and I need to renew your subscription in MyYoast.I haven』t purchased Yoast SEO for WordPress Premium on yet, but I really want to now!

If you』re not sure what』s causing this notification on your site, feel free to reach out to our support team. You can do so through the question mark (?) at the bottom right of this page, or through one of the ways listed at


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