How to redirect a post or page

How to redirect a post or page

The redirect functionality is available in Yoast SEO Premium. We created it to solve problems with redirects in your WordPress site. To do this, we use relative input for redirecting. Consequently, you do not need to enter your site address in the old URL. We already add it for you using the WordPress site address found under Settings → General → Site Address in your WordPress admin.

To learn more about redirect and which one you should use read this article.

Table of contents

Valid examples
Redirect manager
Redirect within WordPress
Regex redirects
Redirect outside of WordPress
Import redirects
Deleting redirects
Redirecting with UTMs

Valid examples

The following examples will use as WordPress site address.

The Old URL has to be your WordPress site address. You can enter the Old URL as or as redirect_url. Both will point to the same URL.

The target URL can be both as well, but can also contain an external URL, for example:

Redirect manager

Yoast SEO for WordPress Premium includes a redirect manager. Follow the steps below to access the redirect manager screen. Log in to your WordPress website. When you』re logged in, you will be in your 『Dashboard』. Click on 『SEO』. On the left-hand side, you will see a menu. In that menu, click on 『SEO』. Click on 『Redirects』. The 『SEO』 settings will expand providing you additional options. Click on 『Redirects』.

Please keep the following in mind when creating a redirect, as most problems with redirects are due to a faulty input.

Redirect within your WordPress site

For this example, we redirected some broken URLs to the homepage, or to another page on the site.

In the above example you see the following:

A redirect from to redirect from to redirect from to

Redirect outside of your WordPress site

For this example, we redirected a broken URL to another domain. For instance, you can enter /broken-link/ to be redirected to any URL (e.g. This would result in the absolute URL being redirected to

Old URLs are relative!

Since we only handle relative input we cannot redirect you from the one (sub)domain to another. So, if your blog is installed on, you cannot redirect your visitors from:, or

To redirect people from those URLs, you』d need a WordPress install with WordPress SEO Premium activated on those URLs.

Import redirects

In Yoast SEO Premium, it is possible to import redirects. To learn how, go to this article.

Deleting a redirect

Delete an Individual Redirect

To delete an individual redirect go to SEO-Redirects and find the redirect. Then, hover your mouse over it and a delete option will appear. Finally, click on Delete, and the redirect is removed.

Delete Redirect

Deleting Redirects in Bulk

The other option is to bulk delete redirects. You can delete redirects in bulk by clicking on Type which will mark all the redirects on the page. Then select Delete in the Bulk Action Drop-down Menu. Finally, click Apply.

Select Type

Select Delete in the Bulk Action Drop-down Menu

Select Apply

Redirecting with UTMs

When you have the UTM parameters in the URL, you』ll need to use the Regular Expression Redirects (RegEx) method. Otherwise, they may get stripped out. If you』re using UTM with a ?, it truly is a parameter, so it shouldn』t be redirected. We suggest using the # based UTM links or creating RegEx redirects.


If your redirects are not working, please try clearing all your cache. For example, clean the cache from your theme, plugin, server, CDN like CloudFlare or browser.

If you are not sure how to clear the cache from a theme or a plugin, please speak to the authors or CDNs of those applications. Alternatively, if you want to clear cache from the server, we advise you to speak to your host provider.

To clear the cache from a browser use this guide:


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