Incorrect detection of the passive voice in Yoast SEO

Incorrect detection of the passive voice in Yoast SEO

The readability analysis of Yoast SEO assesses whether or not you use passive voice. Passive voice is a grammatical construction, that you』d better avoid using too much throughout your text. In a few exceptional cases, Yoast SEO wrongfully detects the passive voice. Here, we』ll highlight in which cases.

Yoast SEO and Yoast SEO Premium currently support the passive voice analysis for the languages listed on this page.

Human languages are often very irregular. That』s why it』s not always possible to achieve complete accuracy when automatically analyzing texts. In some exceptional cases, the passive voice analysis might fail to detect passive voice, or it might incorrectly detect passive voice when it isn』t there. To get an idea of when such cases might occur in each specific language, you can have a look at the overview pages for incorrect passive voice detection in the following languages:


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