Twitter sharing not working

Twitter sharing not working

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How to view Twitter sharing data

There are a number of reasons that sharing on Twitter fails to display correctly. Twitter』s card validator will provide you with a lot of information that might help narrow down the issue. Go to Twitter』s card validator. Login, if requested. Enter the URL you wish to check. Click 『Preview card』.  A preview is displayed under 『Card preview』.

Twitter shows the wrong title, description, or image

The most common cause for Twitter using the wrong image is wrong or multiple Twitter meta tags. Please view the source code for the page.

Multiple sets of Twitter meta tags

If the source code has multiple sets of Twitter meta tags, another plugin or theme feature is setup to create tags. If you are unsure what outputs the additional tags, a conflict check can help.

One set of Twitter meta tags

If the source code has one set of Twitter meta tags and the tags have the correct information but Twitter doesn』t use it, the URL was likely shared recently. Your content is cached by Twitter for 7 days after a link to your page with card markup has been published in a tweet.

If the source code has one set of Twitter meta tags and the tags have the wrong information, please check that custom tags have been set correctly.

Twitter doesn』t show an image

Please make sure the image meets the requirements for the card type: Summary card or Summary with large image card

The card validator can, also, be used on direct image URLs to check for errors.

Still not working? Check out Twitter』s troubleshooting guide for help.


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