How to install Yoast SEO for TYPO3 using Composer

How to install Yoast SEO for TYPO3 using Composer

Table of contentsHow to install Yoast SEO for TYPO3 using ComposerTroubleshootingCachingComposer 2.0

How to install Yoast SEO for TYPO3 using Composer

Time needed: 5 minutes. Create a developer token Log in to your MyYoast account, go to Account > Profile > Developer Tokens and click Create Token if you don』t have a token yet. Copy the created token. Register your token with composer On the command line, go to the folder that holds your composer.json file and enter the following:composer config -g token [PASTE_YOUR_TOKEN] Add our repository Add our secure repository by adding the following:composer config composer Install Yoast SEO Premium for TYPO3 Now you can install the plugin using:composer require yoast-seo-for-typo3/yoast_seo_premium



Sometimes inaccurate data is stuck in the Composer Cache. Please clear it.

Composer 2.0

Composer 2.0 changes the way repositories are prioritized. You can find more information on the Composer website. In this case, you can use the only attribute as:

view sourceprint?1["yoast-seo-for-typo3/yoast_seo_premium"]

So, your composer.js file should have a line like this:

view sourceprint?1{ 2"name": "example-site-com/typo3-website", 3"description": "TYPO3 Website", 4"repositories": { 5    "my-yoast": { 6       "type": "composer", 7        "url": "" 8        "only": ["yoast-seo-for-typo3/yoast_seo_premium"]9}

How to change your MyYoast account email

How to change your MyYoast account email

MyYoast is the customer portal where you can find and manage all the Yoast SEO products you own. If you don』t have an account yet or want to know how it all works, this guide will get you started.

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If you know your current password, you can go to Account > Profile and change your account email. If you do not know your current password, please change your password with these steps. Log in to MyYoast Click on 『Account』 in the sidebar (desktop) or across the bottom (mobile). Click on the 『Profile』 tab Enter your new email address under 『Primary email address』 Click 『Save changes』

How to change the name on your certificate

How to change the name on your certificate

You can change the name that appears on your Yoast SEO academy certificates on the MyYoast account profile page. In this article, we』ll explain how.

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Follow the steps below to change the name on your certificate. Log in to MyYoast. Log in with your MyYoast account. This is the account you use to login to Yoast SEO academy. Forgot your password? Click on 『Account』 in the sidebar (desktop) or across the bottom of the screen (mobile). Click on 『Account』 in the sidebar (desktop) or across the bottom of the screen (mobile). Enter your first and last name or change them. Click 『Save changes』.

How to access your courses via MyYoast

How to access your courses via MyYoast

In this article, we』ll explain how you can access your courses via MyYoast. Your account for Yoast SEO academy and MyYoast is one and the same. Therefore, you will not need separate login details for MyYoast and Yoast SEO academy. You may need to set a password if this is your first login or have forgotten your password.

You can also directly access your courses here.

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To access your courses via MyYoast, follow these steps: Go to the MyYoast customer portal. Log in, if needed. Click on 『Courses』. 『Courses』 is located 『 in the sidebar (desktop) or bottom bar (mobile). Click 『Go to Yoast Academy』.

Orphaned content filter

Orphaned content filter

In Yoast SEO Premium, you』ll find our orphaned content filter. This filter allows you to get a quick overview of the pages on your website that have no links to them. This means that both search engines and visitors won』t be able to find these pages. More information about orphaned content can be found here.

Where is the filter located?

You can find the orphaned content filter on the overview page of your pages, posts or custom post types:

Simply click that link and we』ll show you an overview of all pages without any links to them. Make sure to link these pages from related posts or pages, or insert them while writing other posts using the internal linking tool.

Notification for orphaned content

Besides the filter, Yoast SEO will actively tell you that you have orphaned content in our notifications on your Yoast SEO dashboard:

How to use the Rewrite & Republish feature in Yoast Duplicate Post

How to use the Rewrite & Republish feature in Yoast Duplicate Post

Keeping your content up to date and continuously monitoring its quality are crucial aspects of SEO. Of course, rewriting and updating your content is easier said than done, since it requires a lot of time and effort. We are aware of that, so we created a feature in Yoast Duplicate Post called Rewrite & Republish. The feature allows you to update a post or page in a single workflow. It』s a real time-saver, and it is good for SEO! 

In brief, with this feature, you can rewrite your post or page without taking it offline and then republish it immediately in just a few clicks. So, let』s take it step by step and explore how it works.

Using the Rewrite & Republish feature

In the example below, we show how you can rewrite and republish a post. However, the same steps apply to pages and other custom post types as well. Also, note that there are two ways to access the feature. In step 1, we explain how you can access it from the posts overview screen. Then, from step 2 onward, we show you how to access it from the post edit screen. Regardless of the method you choose, you will end up on the screen that lets you rewrite and publish your post. In the Post overview screen, hover the mouse over a post you have already published and select Rewrite & Republish. You will be in the post-editing screen, where you can immediately start rewriting the duplicated version of the post (If you use this method, you can jump straight to step 5 of this how-to guide). Alternative to step 1: Open an existing post. You will be in the post editor. Hover the mouse over the Duplicate post menu item in the toolbar at the top of the screen. A menu opens. Note: If you can』t see the toolbar on the top of the screen, you might have enabled the Full-screen mode. To disable it, go to the three vertical dots in the far right corner of the screen, and click on them. Then, de-select the Full-screen mode option. Select the Rewrite & Republish menu item (shown in the image above). You will see a notification at the top of the screen. It is to inform you that the plugin duplicated the original post or page. You can then start rewriting the duplicated version immediately. Make the necessary changes to the content. Pay special attention to the readability of your content, and check for outdated information. Ask yourself these questions: Is some of the content no longer relevant? Is there something incorrect? Can you re-write some sentences to make them sound better? In case you are struggling, our tips on how to rewrite your content may be helpful. When you are done editing, click the Republish button in the upper right corner of the screen. The plugin will merge the duplicated version (and the revision history) into the original post or page. In addition, the duplicated draft version will be automatically deleted and the original post or page will be updated. Optional: Save the changes and compare the old and the new version of the post. When you hit the Republish button, you will see some additional checks. One of them allows you to compare the old and the new versions of your post. Click on the button, and you will be taken to the revisions screen, where you』ll be able to see the changes you』ve made. Optional: Schedule the republishing of the post Another option that appears when you click the Republish button is the one that lets you schedule the republishing date and time. So, you won』t have to republish immediately. Instead you can choose the date and time that fits your needs. To select the republishing date, click on the Republish item. Then, the menu will expand, allowing you to select a time and date.

In summary, the Rewrite & Republish feature takes only a few steps to complete, yet, it can save you a ton of time. What is more, it makes sure you keep your content fresh! Want to learn more about why updating and maintaining your content is important? Then, you may find these articles interesting:

Update or delete? Cleaning up old content on your siteYoast Duplicate Post – the essential tool for anyone regularly working on their content

Plugin Requirements

Plugin Requirements

Like most software, Yoast SEO has specific requirements to be able to run properly. Here, we list those requirements.

Note: In addition to the general requirements below, we recommend running current versions of everything on your site. That means you should regularly update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins. Learn why here.

Table of contents

WordPress versionPHP versionDatabase management systemsRequirements for Premium pluginsBrowser requirements

WordPress version 

Yoast SEO supports the two latest versions of WordPress for both our free and premium plugins.

PHP version

PHP is a scripting language used for web development. For Yoast SEO to run properly, you should have a PHP version of 5.6.20 or higher. 

In fact, we recommend the PHP version 7.3 or above. Before you upgrade to a higher PHP version, check if your WordPress site is ready for it. Read this help article to learn how to update your PHP version. Your PHP memory should be 256M or greater.

Database management systems

Yoast SEO requires: 

MySQL version 5.6 or greater ORMariaDB version 10.0 or greater

Note: Yoast SEO may work on legacy environments that do not meet the above requirements.

Requirements for Premium Plugins

To receive update notifications for premium plugins, your host must support:

cURL 7.34.0 or greater (released December 2013)OpenSSL 1.0.1 or greater (released March 2012)TLS 1.2 or greater (released August 2008)Do not use SSL v3

Browser requirements

To use our plugins in the admin you』ll need one of the following browsers:

The latest version of: 

Google Chrome for Android Samsung browser

The last two versions of:

Google ChromeFirefox SafariiOSEdgeOpera

Which link settings should I use?

Which link settings should I use?

When you add a link inside your content, Yoast SEO provides you with extra settings. These let you choose how search engines should treat that link.

Yoast』s advanced link settings option, when creating or editing a link in WordPress.

When you select these options, we enhance the HTML markup of your links to include the relevant instructions (or attributes).

Link options

「Search engines should ignore this link」

Enabling this option adds a nofollow attribute to the link. E.g:

Before: your link

After: your link.

Depending on the search engine, this may either discourage them from following the link, or, discourage them from 『rewarding』 the link (e.g., by passing PageRank or other signals through it).

It』s good practice to enable this setting on links which lead to third-party websites which you don』t endorse or trust, and on any paid/sponsored or otherwise incentivized link.

Note that, despite the name, the nofollow attribute doesn』t necessarily mean that search engines won』t still follow the link.

「This is a sponsored link or advert」

Enabling this option adds a sponsored attribute and a nofollow attribute to the link. E.g:

Before: your link

After: your link.

It helps them to understand which links may be paid (or incentivized) placements.

Note that selecting this setting will also automatically select the 「Search engines should ignore this link」 setting. We do this in order to comply with search engine guidelines, and because some search engines don』t support/understand the sponsored attribute.

How to disable or enable the REST API endpoint in Yoast SEO

How to disable or enable the REST API endpoint in Yoast SEO

In Yoast SEO 14.0, we introduced a REST API endpoint that will give you all the necessary metadata for a specific URL. This makes it easier for headless WordPress sites to use Yoast SEO for their SEO meta output. In this article, we』ll explain how to disable or enable this feature in the Yoast SEO plugin.

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How to disable or enable the REST API head endpoint

The REST API head endpoint feature is enabled by default. If you don』t want this API on your site, you can easily disable it by following the steps below.

Log in to your WordPress website. When you』re logged in, you will be in your 『Dashboard』. Click on 『SEO』. On the left-hand side, you will see a menu. In that menu, click on 『SEO』. Click on 『Features』 in the General settings. On the Yoast SEO General settings page, go to the 『Features』 tab. To disable the API, switch the toggle for 『REST API: Head endpoint』 to 『Off』. The toggle for this API is set to 『On』 by default. To disable the REST API head endpoint, switch the toggle to 『Off』. If you want to enable the API again, simply switch the toggle back to 『On』. To enable to REST API head endpoint again, switch the toggle to 『On』. Click 『Save changes』.

How to install Yoast SEO Premium

How to install Yoast SEO Premium

Thank you for purchasing Yoast SEO Premium! In this article, we』ll explain how to install the Yoast SEO Premium plugin. If you want to install the free Yoast SEO plugin, please check out our installation guide for the free Yoast SEO plugin.

You can install Yoast SEO Premium in two ways:

automatically, after you purchase the plugin; manually, via MyYoast.

Let』s take a look at each of these installation flows step by step.

Table of contentsHow to automatically install Yoast SEO PremiumHow to manually install Yoast SEO PremiumStep 1: Download the Premium pluginMy download is a folder, not a .zip fileStep 2: Install Yoast SEO PremiumHow to install Yoast SEO PremiumInstall through ComposerStep 3: Connect your subscription

How to automatically install Yoast SEO Premium

Before we explain how the automatic installation flow works, it is good to know that only Yoast SEO Premium can be installed using this installation flow. You can access the installation flow in two ways: right after you purchase Yoast SEO Premium and complete the checkout process, or by going to Then, to install Yoast SEO Premium to your WordPress site, follow these steps. Enter your site』s URL in the designated field. You can either add a new URL or choose an existing one you』ve already added to MyYoast (both options indicated with an arrow in the image below). Click the Download Yoast SEO Premium button. Depending on the browser you are using and the settings you have you may: a. be prompted to select the folder where you want to have your plugin downloaded (see image below). Then, a .zip format of the plugin will be downloaded to your hard drive. b. the plugin may automatically download in your downloads folder. When the download is ready, click the button: I』m ready. Please take me to my website. You will automatically be taken to the backend of your website. If you are not logged into your site you will need to log in. When logged in, you』ll automatically land on the Add Plugins screen in WordPress. In the Add Plugins screen, upload the plugin .zip to your WordPress site and click the Install Now. You can do that either by clicking Choose File and then finding and selecting the .zip. Or, you can drag the downloaded .zip from the folder where you downloaded it and drop it in the Choose file filed. Click Activate Plugin. When the plugin is installed, you will be taken to a new screen that shows you the installation status. If the plugin was successfully installed, you should see that message on the screen. Enjoy using Yoast SEO Premium! Yoast SEO Premium will be active on your site. You will be taken to a screen that confirms that your installation was successful. On that screen, you will also see some suggestions on where to start with your SEO optimization. For example, you can start by doing the Yoast SEO Premium internal linking workout.

How to manually install Yoast SEO Premium

Getting the Yoast SEO Premium plugin to work consists of three steps:

Downloading the pluginInstalling the pluginConnecting your subscription

Let』s go through each step in a bit more detail.

Step 1: Download the Premium plugin

First of all, you need to download the Premium plugin. You can download the plugin in the Downloads section of MyYoast. When you click the download button of the Yoast SEO Premium plugin in MyYoast, you will either be prompted to select a folder to save the zipped file or your browser will save the zip file automatically to your Downloads folder. Either way, make sure to remember where you save this file.

You can always visit the Downloads section of MyYoast, should you wish to download the plugin again.

Don』t have a MyYoast account yet? Use our QuickStart Guide to find out how to create one. Keep in mind that we create a new MyYoast account for you when you purchase with a new email address.

You can download the Yoast SEO Premium plugin in the Downloads section of MyYoast

Click the Download button to start downloading the Yoast SEO Premium plugin

My download is a folder, not a .zip file

If you』re downloading one of our plugins and instead of a .zip file you get a folder, your computer is unzipping the archive file immediately. The steps to change this behavior depend on the browser you use to download the file. After you change the behavior using the steps here, return to the Downloads section of MyYoast and download the plugin again.

Step 2: Install Yoast SEO Premium

Yoast SEO Premium is an 「add-on」 for the free version of the plugin. This means that Yoast SEO Premium is a companion to the free version, and you need both plugins to work. So, before you can install Yoast SEO Premium, make sure you have Yoast SEO free installed and activated.

If you already have Yoast SEO free installed, please update it to the latest version before you install Yoast SEO Premium.

How to install Yoast SEO Premium

Installing the Premium plugin is a little different than installing our free plugin since it』s a downloadable plugin and not one that you can find in the free WordPress plugin repository. Let』s go through the steps you have to take to install the Yoast SEO Premium plugin!

Log in to your WordPress website. When you』re logged in, you will be in your Dashboard.Click on Plugins in the Admin menu on the left (see image below).The Plugins settings will expand. Click Add New. A new screen will open. Note: If you don』t see the Add New option, your site is either a part of a multisite network, or you don』t have the right permissions to install plugins on the site. If you are in a multisite environment, please install the plugin through the network admin under 「My Sites」> 「Network Admin」>」Plugins」. Click the 『Upload Plugin』 button at the top of the screen. The screen will expand with the option to upload files. Click the Choose File button. A new box will pop out. You can browse the folder where you save the plugin and select the plugin .zip file there. Click Install Now. You will need to wait for the plugin to install. That may take a while. If you get an error message, check the Common installation errors for a possible solution. Click Activate Plugin. You have to activate the plugin for it to work. If you have a multisite installation, you will see the option to 「Network Activate」. To activate the plugin for all sites within the network, click 「Network Activate」.

Install through Composer

Want to install our premium plugins via Composer? We』ve got you covered with this guide on how to install Yoast plugins using Composer.

Step 3: Connect your subscription

Now, you can move on to the final step: it』s time to connect your subscription! Go to the Sites section of MyYoast. There, click 『Add site』, enter the URL of the site you would like to add to your account and select the platform that your site is running on. Lastly, click on 『Add』 to confirm.

Once you』ve done this, you』ll see your site in the Sites overview. Click the 『Manage』 button behind your site』s URL, and connect your subscription to your site by switching the toggle to 『On』, as shown in the image below.

Switch the toggle to 『On』 to connect your subscription to your site

That』s it! Yoast SEO Premium is now installed and activated on your site!