I』ve added the custom field in the admin, but the plugin still doesn』t recognise my Vimeo video?

I』ve added the custom field in the admin, but the plugin still doesn』t recognise my Vimeo video?

When using a custom field for your Vimeo video, you probably only had to enter the 『variable』 Vimeo uses to show your video. There is no way our plugin knows what this code means without extra information.

To solve this, you can add the following code to you functions.php (Theme file).

/* Takes the Vimeo video ID stored in a custom field and
* adds a full Vimeo URL to the content to allow
* the video SEO plugin to index it.
* The video URL is added to the top of content to make
* it override other video's in the post.
* @param string $content the input content field.
* @param array $vid the video array for the post.
* @return string $content

add_filter( 'wpseo_video_index_content', 'fix_content_input', 10, 2 );

function fix_content_input( $content, $vid ) {
$custom_field_name = 'id_vimeo';
$video_id = get_post_meta( $vid['post_id'], $custom_field_name, true );
$content = "n" . 'http://vimeo.com/'. $video_id . "n" . $content;
return $content;

Haven』t added the custom field to our plugin-settings yet? Check our installation guide.

Standard PHP Library (SPL) extension is unavailable

Standard PHP Library (SPL) extension is unavailable

The Standard PHP Library (SPL) is a collection of interfaces and classes that are meant to solve common problems.

As its name implies, the goal of the Standard PHP Library-or SPL, for short-is to provide a standard library of interfaces that allows developers to take full advantage of object-oriented programming in PHP 5. This library of interfaces creates a standard API for certain kinds of built-in functionality, allowing your classes to interact with the PHP engine in a much more seamless manner. The functionality it provides includes, for example, the ability to define how your objects will react when iterated over with foreach, advanced array access, file and directory access, and advanced SimpleXML object handling. The largest chunk of functionality that the SPL provides comes in the form of iterators.

SPL should be installed on your webhost for WordPress SEO (Premium) to work.

If you see the following notice when installing WordPress SEO (Premium), your webhost does not have SPL installed or active on your domain.

The Standard PHP Library (SPL) extension seem to be unavailable. Please ask your web host to enable it.

Possible solutions

Have your host install/activate SPL for you.Switch to a better web host. We』ve reviewed a couple of hosts for you in this article: The Best WordPress Hosting

I』ve added the custom field in the admin, but the plugin still doesn』t recognise my YouTube video?

I』ve added the custom field in the admin, but the plugin still doesn』t recognise my YouTube video?

When using a custom field for your YouTube video, you probably only had to enter the 『variable』 YouTube uses to show your video. There is no way our plugin knows what this code means without extra information.

To solve this, you can add the following code to you functions.php (Theme file).

/* Takes the youtube video ID stored in a custom field
* and adds a full Youtube URL to the content to allow
* the video SEO plugin to index it.
* The video URL is added to the top of content to make
* it override other video's in the post.
* @param string $content the input content field.
* @param array $vid the video array for the post.
* @return string $content

add_filter( 'wpseo_video_index_content', 'fix_content_input', 10, 2 );

function fix_content_input( $content, $vid ) {
$custom_field_name = 'video'; //Change to your needs
$youtube_id = get_post_meta( $vid['post_id'], $custom_field_name, true );
$content = "n" . 'http://youtube.com/v/'. $youtube_id . "n" . $content;
return $content;

Haven』t added the custom field to our plugin-settings yet? Check our install guide.

Add custom fields to Yoast SEO Premium plugin settings

Add custom fields to Yoast SEO Premium plugin settings

It is possible to scan custom fields with Yoast SEO. Note that you can do that only with the Yoast SEO Premium plugin and it only works on posts, products, custom post types, pages etc. It is not available on media attachment pages, taxonomies, archives, 404 pages, search pages, or author pages. In this post, we give you a step-by-step guide on how to add custom fields to Yoast SEO Premium.

To be able to add the custom fields to Yoast SEO, you need to know their names. If you are not sure what the names of the custom fields are, follow the steps in this post – Find the correct custom field name.

Related articles

Create your own custom field for use with Video or Yoast SEOAdd a custom filed in the Video SEO plugin settings

How to add custom fields to Yoast SEO Premium

Log in to your WordPress website. When you』re logged in, you will be in your Dashboard. Click the SEO item menu in the admin menu on the left-hand side. The menu expands with additional menu items. Click on Search Appearance. The Search Appearance screen opens. Click on the Content Types tab on the Search Appearance screen. There are two boxes with settings. One is for Posts, and the other one is for Pages. They both contain a custom field name input box. Add the custom field name in the input box at the bottom of the Posts/Pages settings. You can add multiple custom fields in a comma-separated list, like this: customfield,customfield2,customfield3 Click save changes.

Using Advanced Custom Fields (free or pro)

Yoast SEO (free or Premium)

If you want Yoast SEO to scan fields from advanced custom fields please install the ACF Content Analysis for Yoast SEO plugin. You can learn more about this plugin here: Plugin Compatibility.

Transition words in your language

Transition words in your language

The readability analysis in the Yoast SEO plugin comes with a transition words check. This check assesses whether you use enough transition words throughout your text. In this article, we』ve listed examples of transition words in the various languages we support.

EnglishGerman DutchFrenchSpanishItalianPortugueseRussianPolishCatalanSwedishHungarianArabicHebrewIndonesianTurkish


The transition words check is available in English. See the list below for examples of transition words in English.

Single wordsMultiple wordsTwo partsaccordinglyabove allboth … and additionallyafter allif … thenafterwardafter thatnot only … but alsoafterwardsall in allneither … noralbeitall of a suddenwhether … oralsoall things consideredno sooner … thanalthoughanalogous toaltogetheralthough this may be trueanotheranother key pointbasicallyas a matter of factbecauseas a resultbeforeas an illustrationbesidesas can be seenbutas has been notedcertainlyas I have notedchieflyas I have saidcomparativelyas I have shownconcurrentlyas long asconsequentlyas much ascontrarilyas shown aboveconverselyas soon ascorrespondinglyas well asdespiteat any ratedoubtedlyat firstduringat laste.g.at leastearlierat lengthemphaticallyat the present timeequallyat the same timeespeciallyat this instanteventuallyat this pointevidentlyat this timeexplicitlybalanced againstfinallybeing thatfirstlyby all meansfollowingby and largeformerlyby comparisonforthwithby the same tokenfourthlyby the timefurthercompared tofurthermorebe that as it maygenerallycoupled withhencedifferent fromhenceforthdue tohoweverequally importanti.e.even ifidenticallyeven moreindeedeven soinsteadeven thoughlastfirst thing to rememberlastlyfor examplelaterfor fear thatlestfor instancelikewisefor one thingmarkedlyfor that reasonmeanwhilefor the most partmoreoverfor the purpose ofneverthelessfor the same reasonnonethelessfor this purposenorfor this reasonnotwithstandingfrom time to timeobviouslygiven thatoccasionallygiven these pointsotherwiseimportant to realizeonceonce in a whileoverallin a wordparticularlyin additionpresentlyin another casepreviouslyin any caseratherin any eventregardlessin briefsecondlyin caseshortlyin conclusionsignificantlyin contrastsimilarlyin detailsimultaneouslyin due timesincein effectsoin either casesoonin essencespecificallyin factstillin generalstraightawayin light ofsubsequentlyin like fashionsurelyin like mannersurprisinglyin order thatthanin order tothenin other wordsthereafterin particularthereforein realitythereuponin shortthirdlyin similar fashionthoughin spite ofthusin sumtillin summaryundeniablyin that caseundoubtedlyin the event thatunlessin the final analysisunlikein the first placeunquestionablyin the fourth placeuntilin the hope thatwhenin the light ofwheneverin the long runwhereasin the meantimewhilein the same fashionin the same wayin the second placein the third placein this casein this situationin timein truthin view ofmost compelling evidencemost importantmust be rememberednot to mentionnow thatof courseon account ofon balanceon condition thaton one handon the condition thaton the contraryon the negative sideon the other handon the positive sideon the wholeon this occasiononly ifowing topoint often overlookedprior toprovided thatseeing thatso as toso farso long asso thatsooner or latersuch assumming uptake the case ofthat isthat is to saythen againthis timeto be sureto begin withto clarifyto concludeto demonstrateto emphasizeto enumerateto explainto illustrateto listto point outto put it another wayto put it differentlyto repeatto rephrase itto say nothing ofto sum upto summarizeto that endto the end thatto this endtogether withunder those circumstancesuntil nowup againstup to the present timevis a viswhat』s morewhile it may be truewhile this may be truewith attention towith the result thatwith this in mindwith this intentionwith this purpose in mindwith attention towith the result thatwith this in mindwith this intentionwith this purpose in mindwithout a doubtwithout delaywithout doubtwithout reservationSee the full list of English transition words and two-part English transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in German. See the list below for examples of transition words in German.

weildochmit anderen wortenso dassSee the full list of German transition words and two-part German transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Dutch. See the list below for examples of transition words in Dutch.

omdatmaarnet alster conclusieSee the full list of Dutch transition words and two-part Dutch transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in French. See the list below for examples of transition words in French.

cartoutefoissi bien queen raison deSee the full list of French transition words and two-part French transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Spanish. See the list below for examples of transition words in Spanish.

porqueperoa causa desin embargoSee the full list of Spanish transition words and two-part Spanish transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Italian. See the list below for examples of transition words in Italian.

perchéperòa causain sentesiSee the full list of Italian transition words and two-part Italian transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Portuguese. See the list below for examples of transition words in Portuguese.

poiscontudopor causa deem sumaSee the full list of Portuguese transition words and two-part Portuguese transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Russian. See the list below for examples of transition words in Russian.

потомуоднакопотому чтов итогеSee the full list of Russian transition words and two-part Russian transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Polish. See the list below for examples of transition words in Polish.

ponieważjednakz uwagi żew podsumowaniuSee the full list of Polish transition words and two-part Polish transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Catalan. See the list below for examples of transition words in Catalan.

perquèresumintpel queen a resumSee the full list of Catalan transition words and two-part Catalan transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Swedish. See the list below for examples of transition words in Swedish.

emellertidmeni syfte attför att sammanfattaSee the full list of Swedish transition words and two-part Swedish transition words that Yoast SEO recognizes.


The transition words check is available in Hungarian. See the list below for examples of transition words in Hungarian.

mivelazonbanahhoz hogymás szóval


The transition word check is also available in Arabic. See the list below for examples of transition words in Arabic.

Single wordsMultiple words بينماعلاوة علىحيثمامن ناحية أخرىهكذاعلى سبيل المثالكذلكفي النهايةكمابناء على ذلكSee the full list of Arabic transition words that Yoast SEO recognises.


The transition word check is also available in Hebrew. See the list below for examples of transition words in Hebrew.

Single wordsMultiple words למרותלא כל שכןבשבילכמו כןכגוןבזמן האחרוןמלבדלטווח ארוךמפאתלא כל שכןSee the full list of Hebrew transition words that Yoast SEO recognises.


The transition word check is also available in Indonesian. See the list below for examples of transition words in Indonesian.

Single wordsMultiple words berikutberbeda darikeduakendatipun begituterutamanyadengan pemikiran initerdahulupada waktucontohnyaseperti yang sudah dijelaskanSee the full list of Indonesian transition words that Yoast SEO recognises.


The transition word check is also available in Turkish. See the list below for examples of transition words in Turkish.

Single wordsMultiple words fakatdemek kiamafarz edelim kiçünküdolayısı ileyüzündenbunun yanı sıratopyekunkısaca söylecek olursakSee the full list of Turkish transition words that Yoast SEO recognises.

Add theme support for Yoast SEO breadcrumbs

Add theme support for Yoast SEO breadcrumbs

If your theme declares support for yoast-seo-breadcrumbs, Yoast SEO will render breadcrumbs for you in the location of your choice. Plus, users of your theme will automatically get a Customizer component to customize their breadcrumbs to their liking.

If you want your theme to support Yoast breadcrumbs, follow the steps in our Yoast SEO Breadcrumbs implementation guide. After you』ve made sure breadcrumbs appear on every page and look nice, you can add the following bit of code to your theme』s functions.php file:

add_theme_support( 'yoast-seo-breadcrumbs' );

That』s all. As soon as you add that to your theme, breadcrumbs will be enabled immediately (the 「enable」 checkbox will actually disappear). So as soon as one of your theme』s users installs and activates Yoast SEO, the breadcrumbs will start working.

It is also possible to add breadcrumbs to individual posts and pages with the Yoast SEO breadcrumbs block. All you need to do is add the block and the breadcrumbs will automatically be featured on the post or page. Learn more about how to use the breadcrumbs block in this article.

What are REGEX redirects?

What are REGEX redirects?

When using normal redirects, you add a source and destination URL. One source always points to one destination.

Sometimes you want to redirect more than one source to a destination. In those cases you can use our REGEX Redirects.

These are redirects that use Regular Expressions to match multiple source URLs and redirect all of them to the destination.


If you go to example.com/rain, you would be redirected to mydomain.com/sunny/, as you would with a normal redirect.

However, the same goes for example.com/in-the-rain or example.com/draining. Both would be redirected to example.com/sunny/.

The second line will redirect you to /sunny-holidays/ if your URL contains /rainy-holidays/ followed by any lowercase character, number or the – and ends with a /.

So /rainy-holidays/london/ would be redirected, while /rainy-holidays/buda+pest/ would not.

Want to learn more about regular expressions?

Please visit Wikipedia or one of the many sites on the subject.

Only use REGEX Redirects if you know what you are doing!

Can I create REGEX redirects with Yoast SEO?

Yes, Yoast SEO Premium also enables you to create REGEX redirects in the redirect manager. However, we advise you to only use REGEX redirects if you know what you』re doing. This type of redirect is very powerful, but you can also easily break stuff on your site.

There』s a separate tab for REGEX redirects in the Yoast SEO Premium redirect manager

Can I break my website using REGEX redirects?

Yes, you can. And if you』re inexperienced with regular expressions, you will.

Volume and Trend of related keyphrases

Volume and Trend of related keyphrases

Our SEMrush integration offers the functionality to find related keyphrases for the keyphrase you』ve filled out in Yoast SEO. These related keyphrases will also have some more metrics next to them to help you choose relevant related keyphrases. Those extra metrics is Volume and Trend. Here』s what they mean.

The Volume and Trend columns in Yoast SEO highlighted


Volume is the average number of monthly searches for the related keyphrase over the last 12 months. So this is a monthly metric.


The interest of searchers in the related keyphrase over the last 12 months. The metric is based on changes in the number of searches per month.

My sitemap is blank, what』s wrong?

My sitemap is blank, what』s wrong?

This article will help you if your sitemap is blank (white screen with no text at all) or empty (showing a header but no URLs). First, determine whether you have a blank or an empty sitemap. A blank sitemap is basically a white screen with no header, no links, nothing at all. An empty sitemap shows the sitemap header but contains no links.

Blank sitemap – white screen, no text
Empty sitemap – header, no URLs

Is your sitemap giving a 404 error or another error? Please read one of the following articles:

404 『Page Not Found』 error
Another error

Did you know Yoast SEO Pemium comes with an easy to use redirect manager? This tool will warn you whenever you delete a page and it will help you create a redirect in just a few seconds. No more worries about 404s!

Blank sitemaps

A blank sitemap is basically a white screen with no header, no links, nothing at all. There could be several things wrong:

Sitemap source code
Sitemap stylesheet
Cache issue
Invalid XML code
Mismatched URLs

Sitemap source code

Check whether the source of the sitemap shows you the data you would expect in an XML sitemap. Not sure how to see the source code? Follow the steps in this article.

If the sitemap source code is empty, you may have a static file, theme or plugin conflict. Please check for theme or plugin conflicts and, if no conflicts are found, FTP into your site to locate and remove any static sitemap files.

Sitemap stylesheet

If the sitemap source code contains data, make sure the XSL file, linked in the very top of the XML file, is available. Sometimes this file gets blocked by .htaccess prevention of the wp-content directory.

You can find your XSL stylesheet by viewing your sitemap_index.xml and looking at the source code. 

Then find the XSL stylesheet URL at the top and view it. You may need to copy/paste it into the browser.

If the XSL file loads then something else is causing the error. If it does not load, it may be blocked. You should speak to your host provider and confirm nothing in your .htaccess file is preventing it from loading.

Cache issue

If you have a cache plugin or server-side cache, please flush the cache. If the issue remains, please disable and re-enable the sitemap feature (steps here) to force a cache reset.

Most cache plugins allow you to exclude the sitemap URLs from being cached and/or minified. Please read this article for more information on sitemap cache.

Invalid XML code

Open the sitemap and the sitemap stylesheet in Firefox to see if any errors display. If an error displays, please read this article about common sitemap errors.

Mismatched site URLs

Yoast SEO uses WordPress site URLs to generate the sitemap. In rare cases, these URLs may not match the preferred URL format of your site. To solve this, follow these steps:

Log in to your WordPress website.When you』re logged in, you will be in your 『Dashboard』.Click on 『Settings』.On the left-hand side, you will see a menu. In that menu, click on 『Settings』.Click on 『General』.The Settings menu will expand providing you additional options. Click on 『General』.Check the 『WordPress Address (URL)』 and the 『Site Address (URL)』.The URLs should use the preferred http/https and www/non-www format that your site is setup to use.

Empty sitemap

An empty sitemap shows the sitemap header but contains no links. The most common reason for an empty sitemap is no matched data and this typically happens with specialty sitemaps like the video and news sitemaps.

In other cases, you may need to add rewrite rules (htaccess, NGINX) and then clear all your cache.

Empty news sitemap

If your news sitemap is empty, you probably haven』t published anything recently. Per the Google guidelines, your news sitemap should contain only URLs for your articles published in the last two days.

Empty video sitemap

If your video sitemap is empty, the Video SEO plugin has not located any videos on your site. Please ensure you have set up the plugin correctly including the initial re-index of your videos to locate videos that were posted prior to the plugin activation. If the sitemap remains empty after re-indexing videos, please check for theme or plugin conflicts.

Still not working?

Please read this article on how to get support. Please include a link to the sitemap URL along with any troubleshooting steps you have already completed.

Why does Yoast SEO ask to index a site』s SEO data?

Why does Yoast SEO ask to index a site』s SEO data?

Since version 14.0, Yoast SEO stores metadata for all pages in a separate database table. This allows us to fetch all of a page』s metadata in one simple database request (rather than lots of individual requests), resulting in much faster page loads.

Before 14.0, we stored metadata like titles and meta descriptions in different places for different types of pages. For everything to work best, this data needs to be migrated to the new table. To do this, Yoast SEO will ask to index your site』s SEO data.

For sites for which we haven』t processed the metadata yet, we show the following notification:

What are my options?

Yoast SEO will automatically process all content while pages get visited. This only needs to be done once per page. After that the page load will be much faster. If you do nothing or dismiss the notification, most of your SEO data will gradually be stored in the new table anyway. When clicking 「Start processing and speed up your site now」, Yoast SEO will start processing all of your content at once and store its SEO data in the new table. Your site will immediately receive the speed benefits of the new database table. On big sites, this can take quite some time. Users can always exit and resume the process later. They will receive a reminder notification after a month if they didn』t dismiss the notification altogether.If a site owner knows their way around the server, they could also run the indexing process using WP CLI. That should be faster and is easier to schedule at a time when site traffic is low.When clicking 「Remind me in a week」, the notification disappears and pops back up again after a week to remind you to run the indexing process later.When clicking 「Hide this notice」, the notification disappears and we will no longer show it. You can always find the indexing tool under Yoast SEO > Tools if you change your mind. Here』s what it looks like:

Do I need to run the indexing process every time I add or update content?

Fortunately you don』t. Whenever you save content or metadata, Yoast SEO will add / update its SEO data automatically.