How to fix missing Schema property: missing field 「priceValidUntil」

How to fix missing Schema property: missing field 「priceValidUntil」

The warning missing field 「priceValidUntil「 occurs in Google Search Console when a product has no sale price set. The priceValidUntil property only makes sense for products on sale. This value is optional, and not adding it will not harm your product』s appearance in the search results.

If you use WooCommerce with WooCommerce SEO, all you need to do is configure the sale price and the duration of your products』 sale in the General tab of the WooCommerce meta box. Then, the WooCommerce SEO plugin will automatically add the correct structured data to your product and fix the missing field 「priceValidUntil「 issue!

Fixing the missing Schema property: missing field 「priceValidUntil」

To add the necessary information for the priceValidUntil property, and to allow WooCommerce SEO to output the correct structured data, follow these steps: Select the product you want to edit from the Products overview screen. Once in the Product editing screen, scroll down to the WooCoomerce meta box. You will see the meta box with various tabs. The General tab will be open by default. In the General tab, add the Sale price in the appropriate field (outlined below). You can add the price with one monetary decimal point (.) without thousand separators and currency symbols. Click the Schedule link next to the Sale price input field. Some additional options will be revealed (shown in the image below). Insert the start and the end of the sale in the appropriate input fields. You can enter the dates manually, by following the template shown in the input field. Alternatively, you can use the calendar that appears when you click on the input field (shown below). Click the Update button at the top of the Product editing screen. WooCommerce SEO will automatically add the priceValidUntil property to the product.

Want to get the best Schema output for your products? And, want to get that done automatically, without having to touch any code? Get WooCommerce SEO!

Use the WooCommerce SEO plugin to solve missing Schema property issues

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