The Yoast SEO Dashboard Widget

The Yoast SEO Dashboard Widget

When you enable the SEO analysis, we provide an overview widget in the WordPress dashboard. In some cases, you may wish to remove the dashboard widget. Log in to your WordPress website. When you』re logged in, you will be in your 『Dashboard』. Click on 『Screen Options』. In the upper right corner click on 『Screen Options』. A menu will slide down allowing you to show or hide the Dashboard widgets. Toggle the 『Yoast SEO Posts Overview』 checkbox. To show the widget, check the 『Yoast SEO Posts Overview』 box.To hide the widget, uncheck the 『Yoast SEO Posts Overview』 box.

The Dashboard widget also includes an analysis by Ryte. This analysis will show you a Green bullet point if the site can be indexed or a red one if it cannot. If you do not see this analysis use this guide: How to Enable or Disable the Ryte Check.

If you would like to remove the widget from all users at once, add the custom code below to your theme』s functions.php file to disable the feature completely.

The following is an example of how you can use the filter:

add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'remove_wpseo_dashboard_overview' );
function remove_wpseo_dashboard_overview() {
// In some cases, you may need to replace 'side' with 'normal' or 'advanced'.
remove_meta_box( 'wpseo-dashboard-overview', 'dashboard', 'side' );


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