Plugin compatibility with paginated content

Plugin compatibility with paginated content

Yoast SEO adds rel="next" and rel="prev" tags that let search engines know that they are on a paginated archive series. That makes sure that they crawl all the pages of your archive. Read more about this Yoast SEO feature here.

How do I see therel="next" and rel="prev" tags?

You can view therel="next" and rel="prev" tags by looking at the source code. This guide explains more: How to view the source code of your site.

Why is this not working on my paginated content?

Our plugin utilizes the built-in WordPress core functions to recognize pagination. Some plugins and theme developers have modified or created their own method of adding pagination. In these cases, custom code may need to be written by a developer to pass information between our plugin and the plugin or theme creating the pagination. Please reach out to the developer of the plugin or theme in question to request information on being compatible with our plugin.

The wpseo_prev_rel_link and wpseo_next_rel_link filters can be used to customize the output or return false to disable the output. Some examples can be found here.

Compatibility with canonical tags

If you are looking for information regarding canonical tags please refer to this guide: Canonical URLs in Yoast SEO.


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