LinkedIn sharing not working

LinkedIn sharing not working

LinkedIn caches the sharing data for about 7 days as described here.

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How to view LinkedIn sharing data

There are a number of reasons that sharing on LinkedIn fails to display correctly. LinkedIn』s Post inspector will provide you with a lot of information that might help narrow down the issue. Go to LinkedIn』s Post inspector Enter the URL you wish to check. Click 『Inspect』.  Review the information. You will see different sections that contain warnings, information, and, near the bottom, a clickable section with all the metadata gathered. This section even shows you which metadata LinkedIn used to create the share preview.

How to update LinkedIn sharing data

If your content has changed, inspect the URL with the Post inspector to re-scrape the URL.

Image not working

Please make sure the image meets the requirements here.

The post inspector can, also, be used on direct image URLs to check for errors.


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